2020; What does it take to create change?
With such an interesting time in our history, questions rather than answers become the mainstay. What will happen to our democracy? What happens if I can’t pull through? What about the constant struggle and social injustice that many Americans endure? Will the planet finally get the much-needed respite it deserves? What happens if I get COVID 19 or worse; what happens if I give it to someone? More questions than answers.
What stands out for me today is the level of global empathy on display. I may not walk in your shoes, but I do know injustice when I see or read about it. I have a strong moral compass of how to treat others; like I want to be treated. We all feel the pain of hatred and civil unrest. But what will it take? How far do we have to go? More questions.
This moment is all we have. It seems to me that most people are on board, ready and willing to act for the better, move toward change. Maybe COVID 19 was placed in our path to not only catch our attention and slow down, but also to let the oceans heal, the land recover and the entire planet to take a deep breath. Maybe this strange virus was sent to us to give us a boost in feeling more connected to all humans. What I breath out affects you. Just like the words that exit my mouth affect you. This strange virus of social injustice has been around a long time, without a vaccine or cure, until now? Yes that is a question.
As MLK Jr reminds us; “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice”.
Our universe is bending right now and regardless of all the questions and limited answers, the time is ripe to lean in and create change. I am starting small; working on my own biased opinions and stereotypes. But I will remain vigilant to continue to change for the better, with the hope that my actions, words, and opinions will become more inclusive. If a life-altering virus is what it takes to command the room, I will listen.